perjantai 16. tammikuuta 2015

Mental Training From Sports To Sales I

Jan 16th 2015

The athlete’s mental training and coaching means basically developing mental abilities. Its goal is to get synergy by combining the athlete’s desire or will and ability or competence. In the same way the sellers desire to do deals for best possible results and developing the sales skills provide a positive interaction. In the best case the will and the competence together can create victory in sales competition or a deal with customer despite of competitors offers. Will and capacity interaction can create a free energy state in the brain which is called as a flow-state. In this mode or state the athlete’s or seller’s behaviour is optimal in each situation, and it contributes to the achievement of good results and success in the desired manner. This flow state can be created and affected with the help of sales management and in addition to the seller just by him-/herself. Similarly, sports training may influence in an individual athlete’s free energy flow state. With training in sports and in sales can be determined individual’s possible frustrations and fears, and to develop individual training and couching programs for overcome frustrations and fears with confidence and certainty. Seller will learn to manage themselves and their own development by preparing to meet clients feeling mentally and physically good. This way the seller is mentally in optimal arousal state of mind in sales meetings. The seller can imagine their performance beforehand and by going through their performance several times in mind they start to trust in their success. Seller can also concentrate in to the sales situations with the help of mindfulness exercises. They can forget the distractions like competitors, colleagues, possible poor economical situation in the world and possible problems at work and inside the company. Sellers do the necessary tasks to get the deal in state of free energy flow in mind. They are able to let it go on the right moment. In the end the sellers are able to assess their performances by going it through and thinking about what happened before meeting the customer, during the meeting and after it. This results a positive twist. In the case seller can internalize this kind of mental training like athletes do, they can act in free energy flow state of mind in customer service situations, which is generating them success.  

Next: Mental Training From Sports To Sales II

For the better sales
Your blogger Coach

Harriet  “Trainetta” Väänänen

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