Jan 21st
Flow mode
can also be described as an optimal experience of happiness, which is needed to
increase the learning ability. Many of us have experiences of getting good
ideas and creating solutions in relaxation mode, eg. in the morning upon waking
or by watching the cloud passing by in the sky. This way we have produced new
ideas and information. Relaxation is also described as increased concentration
mode corresponding to the object mindfulness mode. Strong awareness and
increased self-management are results of relaxed mode. We can also activate the
imagination and images in our mind into strong use with help of relaxation
stressed bodies are in physical exertion due to different muscle tensions.
Relaxation helps muscles to recover and get back to rest with help of
increasing peripheral blood, expanding blood vessels and heart pumping blood
with lower pressure. Our muscles get more oxygen and nutrients.
With mental
training or mental exercises we seek
possibility to get good images with help of relaxation. We can enliven and
enrich the image as relaxed and focused so that they operate in the best
possible way for us in selling situations. Making images in our mind can be
divided into spontaneous image making or free visioning, will under visioning
for achieving a specific goal, movie or a picture visioning in which we are
personally involved and empathetic visioning when training the flow of sales
process. The power of visioning can be strengthen by combining the best
possible imaginable feelings in it. Triggers or anchors can do this. Connecting
triggers the feeling of desired performance or state of mind in sales situation
and right course of action, which have been visualized in the past. Athletes
know from experience that the same nerve units are activated during the
visualization as in a real physical performance.
Next: The
Athletes Mental Training Methods In Sales Work III
For the better sales
Your blogger Coach
Harriet “Trainetta” Väänänen
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