torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015

Mental Training In Sales

Jan 1st 2015

This blog is for all sales professionals or future sales professionals who understand the importance of fresh thinking and meaning of concentration in sales and are willing to develop they ability to understand customers needs in order to be able to do more and better sales.

Mental training is familiar for all of us. Many of us have used it without paying attention what it is. Mental training can also be called as visualization. It is creating a mental image of a path and a goal in ones mind and repeating it in mind regularly. Athletes, dieters, performers and people who want to quit smoking have used this technique. Mental training is helping them to develop and use various methods to produce desired outcomes and consistent optimal performances. Mental training can be done in many life situations, at work and with your family.

Mental training has been used in hospitals and health care too for patients getting better. If someone has cancer he or she can think about shooting cancer cells with a machine gun and getting better after repeating it in their minds regularly. Mental training can support traditional medicine and alternative medicine methods. It does not preclude their use.

Top athletes do use mental training quite often as part of the preparation for the Olympic Games. As an example one athlete used to do and feel the winners smile and moves after exercising regularly during the four years before the Olympic Games he participated. He won the games. The athletes can also take videos of their best and optimal performances and watch them imaging to repeating them. They can also watch videos of their competitors and idols best performances and use them as a mental training method by imaging themselves doing it. Repeating these optimal performances in mind when practicing and between exercises, they can develop their own performance.

Sales professionals and especially top salesperson can rub their hands together imaging the becoming deal in their minds before seeing the customer. This way they predict the becoming deal and handshake. In trainings and with their coach salesperson gets possibility to practice sales and meeting or calling customers beforehand. We can call this "dry exercising" and it is one kind of mental training. When a professional salesperson is getting ready for the meeting with any customer or calling one, he or she research the background of the customer and basic information of them. Next sales professionals predicts the possible counterarguments and answers. They can predict the best style and selling tactic for the customer. After all this preparing we can say that sales professionals do mental training every day and with all customers, but we can do it more and even better. Although successful people in sales are often inherently positive thinking and confident professionals, they can get better sales by practicing more focused mental training since we have more and more complex products, solution selling, competitors and competition every day. With active and more focused mental training we can

  • get stronger will to understand and know our own products even better and faster, 
  • get better and bigger deals,
  • get more deals and sales, 
  • get more confidence for success
  • and get stronger ability in positive thinking.

Sales department and a company is in trouble if salesperson can not recur and have fresh thinking. By using mental training more clearly and versatile and by combining it and using it with mindfulness practices we can get more fresh thinking and sales even in unstable financial times and in depression like today. Mental training and mindfulness can be the next key to your better success. Follow the blog Mental Training And Mindfulness In Sales and get the unique idea and tools of using them in sales!

Next time: Mindfulness In Sales.

For better sales
Your blogger Coach

Harriet "TrainEtta" Väänänen

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